Released : 02 Mei 2011
Tools :
# Firefox/Chrome
# Cheat Engine 6.0
How to :
# Enter Millionaire City
# Open Cheat Engine
# You will need to have ONLY ONE Triumph Arch (decoration) in your city to get the address.
# First scan "700000", Type Change to 8bytes [the deafault is 4byte]
# 3 address returned. Double click the address that ends with "AE0" [xxxxAE0], so it appears in the Edit table. (If you do not see any address ending with AE0, just REFRESH Millionaire City and ReScan. You should see it now)
# double click the address again and Add +1C to the end of AE0. Meaning: xxxxAE0 > xxxxAE0+1C
# Notice the value is 1. Change the value to 1000.
# Now, enter your friend city then go back to your city.
# Now ALL the HOUSES will have +4480 bonus. Works and Saves. Have fun.
Credit : Lalo3
Tools :
# Firefox/Chrome
# Cheat Engine 6.0
How to :
# Enter Millionaire City
# Open Cheat Engine
# You will need to have ONLY ONE Triumph Arch (decoration) in your city to get the address.
# First scan "700000", Type Change to 8bytes [the deafault is 4byte]
# 3 address returned. Double click the address that ends with "AE0" [xxxxAE0], so it appears in the Edit table. (If you do not see any address ending with AE0, just REFRESH Millionaire City and ReScan. You should see it now)
# double click the address again and Add +1C to the end of AE0. Meaning: xxxxAE0 > xxxxAE0+1C
# Notice the value is 1. Change the value to 1000.
# Now, enter your friend city then go back to your city.
# Now ALL the HOUSES will have +4480 bonus. Works and Saves. Have fun.
Credit : Lalo3
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